
Showing posts from June, 2019

resize your LVM partition

resize your LVM partition resizing your LVM partition So this process takes a little manual work but is pretty straight forward. We’re going to be using a DigitalOcean Droplet that was created using a custom image created from FreePBX distro 7. The issue was that the SSD was provisioned with 25G of storage, but the OS was only seeing 10G. Start off by extending the /dev/vda2 partition parted /dev/vda This will enter parted’s interactive mode. you’ll want to enter in the command resizepart , then enter the number of the partition you want to modify. In this case partition 2 . For the partition ‘end’ prompt you can enter in 100% or -1s . This next step is a little odd but you can enter an estimate for the total size that should be allocated for /dev/vda2. pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 24.6G /dev/vda2 You’ll be see a prompt that actually states the real size. So you can just select no for the prompt to carry out the change and adjust the size on the command...